Writing a Cover Letter: PhD Students Leaving Academia.
Applying for roles outside of academia after your PhD is already a tricky task. In addition to writing a good CV, you also need a complimentary cover letter. This post discusses how to make a great first impression with a cover letter.
Identifying a Post-PhD Career Path.
Not sure what you can do with your PhD? After you’ve identified your transferable skills, you can start identifying post-PhD career paths by mapping these skills to a range of opportunities.
LinkedIn for PhD Students.
A crash course for PhD students on how to optimise LinkedIn to get noticed by recruiters/employers, discover exciting new opportunities, and to maximise career success.
Post-PhD Job Interviews for Industry.
Post PhD job interviews can feel daunting and scary, more so than ‘typical’ interviews. It’s important that you explain how your skills apply to the role, demonstrate your interpersonal qualities, and emphasise your long-term potential.
Choosing a Career Based on your Life Values.
A lot of people adjust their lifestyle to accommodate their job and career. Instead, you should be choosing a career that allows you to live your life in accordance to your life values.
Job Search Stress and How to Manage it.
Job search stress impacts everyone. Here are some strategies to help prevent job search stress from occurring and how to manage when it shows up.
Networking for PhD Students.
Networking is the secret sauce to finding alternative career prospects. The best way to do this effortlessly is with authenticity and honesty.
Writing your CV: PhD Students Leaving Academia.
Non-academic CVs or résumés are not structured the same as academic ones. Knowing how to adapt your academic CV/résumé to different career paths can make the world of difference when job searching.