Career Options for Non-STEM PhDs.
Transitioning from a PhD to industry is hard enough as it is. This can feel ten times harder if your PhD is in a non-STEM subject. This post discusses how career change away from academia, and really optimise the value of your non-STEM PhD.
Having a Growth Mindset Whilst Job Hunting.
Adopting a fixed mindset, believing that you cannot change or that you will always be a researcher can harm your job prospects. A growth mindset allows you to think about ways to overcome your obstacles, challenge the norm, and move towards the life you want to live.
Choosing a Career Based on your Life Values.
A lot of people adjust their lifestyle to accommodate their job and career. Instead, you should be choosing a career that allows you to live your life in accordance to your life values.
Adjusting to a 9-5 Work Routine after your PhD.
Adjusting to a 9-5 work routine after your PhD takes a bit of time. After one week into a new job, you may have clearer work boundaries, a better work-life balance, more thinking space and more social interactions.
What is ‘Industry’?
Industry is a common term we here during academia. Ironically, it isn’t always an evil entity. Industry can be help you to excel, thrive, and achieve new heights post-academia.
A Post-Doc: Reasons Why you Shouldn’t do one after your PhD.
Post-doc positions are often seen as the next best step. However, they can be a revolving door, limit opportunities for growth and possibly prevent you from embarking on your new career journey sooner.
Should I Leave Academia?
Here, we de-bunk how leaving academia isn’t a taboo subject, shouldn’t be a trade-off from doing what you love, or not being able to change your mind. These obstacles should not matter when deciding to leave academia.
What is the Value of a PhD?
PhDs are seen as the epitome of intelligence and knowledge. However, what does it actually mean to have a PhD and why does it matter? This post breaks down the true value of what it means to hold one.
Mindset for Leaving Academia.
Before thinking about leaving academia, it's important to think about what it means for you. This post outlines the importance of getting your head in the right frame of mind before embarking on a career in industry.