Side Hustles for Academics and PhD Students.
Looking for a side hustle as an academic or PhD student? Discover five profitable side hustles to help supplement your income whilst remaining connected to your research field.
Managing your Pension After Academia.
Nobody likes to read or study about a pension. However, our PhD and studying years typically sets us back in understanding and growing our pension, so it’s imperative we get to grips with it post-PhD and begin to understand and define a strategy that sets us up for success throughout our career.
How to Navigate Freelancing After your PhD.
Freelancing is another career opportunity you could explore after your PhD. Being able to set up on your own can provide a different quality of life outside the 9-5, with significantly more flexibility on your working hours. This post breaks down how to get started with freelancing and what it consists of.
Salary Negotiation Tips for After Academia.
Academic positions are known for relatively low pay alongside reduced opportunities for salary negotiations. After finishing your PhD, this can be an unfamiliar topic. This post provides tips for salary negotiations.
Managing your Finances During your PhD.
Managing your finances during your PhD can be one of the biggest challenges whilst studying. Learning how to live below your means and better manage your money is essential to creating positive habits for your future.
Setting your Post-PhD Salary Goals.
Working out what salary you deserve and should be aiming for after your PhD is difficult. This post breaks down how to approach setting your post-PhD salary goals in order to build a life you will be satisfied with.
Benefits of Teaching during your PhD.
Teaching during your PhD improves your employability, gives you a break from your own PhD, and can help generate a bit of extra cash.