Producing a Publication Portfolio.
We’re advised to not list our publications within our résumé or CV. Instead, summarise your academic contributions in style with a publication portfolio. This helps optimise your résumé and CV, instil credibility, and can generate additional career opportunities.
Levelling Up your CV and Résumé.
Knowing what to put in your CV and résumé is the first step. To take it to the next level it’s important to portray the same information but in a more aesthetic, simple, and professional way. Being able to express yourself and your personal brand from the first interaction will improve your chances of landing your dream job.
Why Leave Academia?: Tips for Interviews.
When it comes to career changing, it’s inevitable that you’ll be asked ‘why leave academia’. If you’re not careful, your answer could ruin the interview. It’s important to pause and use it as an opportunity to emphasise what attracts you to the current role, helping to elevate your personal brand.
Rebranding your Professional Persona After Academia.
Often, we get caught up presenting ourselves as a well accomplished academic. However, if we’re looking to move out of academia it’s vital that we start rebranding ourselves and our skills in a way that feels more tangible and translatable. Here’s how.
Emphasising your Leadership & Mentoring PhD Skills.
Leadership and mentoring skills are often hard to foster during a PhD due to limited opportunities. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t highlight it as a transferable skill or something you can consciously work on whilst in your PhD.
How Honest Should you be in Interviews?
It’s not always clear if complete honesty is a good thing for an interview. This post discusses some benefits of being honest at interviews and how best to convey this to your interviewer.
Glassdoor for PhD Students.
Glassdoor is another great search engine to find the career you’re looking for. Company insights via reviews, salaries, additional benefits, and the interview process can inform you in your post-PhD job search.
Writing a Cover Letter: PhD Students Leaving Academia.
Applying for roles outside of academia after your PhD is already a tricky task. In addition to writing a good CV, you also need a complimentary cover letter. This post discusses how to make a great first impression with a cover letter.
Leveraging your PhD Data Skills.
Understanding how to manage, interpret, analyse and visualise data is a hot skill for a range of jobs. Learn how to leverage your PhD to emphasise that these are skills you already possess.
LinkedIn for PhD Students.
A crash course for PhD students on how to optimise LinkedIn to get noticed by recruiters/employers, discover exciting new opportunities, and to maximise career success.
Post-PhD Job Interviews for Industry.
Post PhD job interviews can feel daunting and scary, more so than ‘typical’ interviews. It’s important that you explain how your skills apply to the role, demonstrate your interpersonal qualities, and emphasise your long-term potential.
Writing your CV: PhD Students Leaving Academia.
Non-academic CVs or résumés are not structured the same as academic ones. Knowing how to adapt your academic CV/résumé to different career paths can make the world of difference when job searching.